A Fresh Look : Enhancing the Room View!

A room view is one of the view in PMS that is used by the hotels while managing the reservations. The room view brings clarity to the users by making them aware of which rooms has check-in’s today or are occupied already. The view also gives insights on which rooms are dirty that needs to be cleaned. It also helps users know which rooms has the due out reservations and some more insights can also be retrieved through the room view.

With this enhancements, we are brining an easy way for the hotels to know various information such as the status of the rooms (Due out, Arrived, Stayover etc.), identify which room belongs to which room type, which rooms are under maintenance block etc. by making it visible through the colors and icons for greater understanding.

Here are the changes that we are making in the room view.

  1. The background color of each room will be a color of the room type. This helps hotels know which room belongs to which room type.
  2. The name of the room type, room number and the guest name will be in the reservation status color. This helps hotel know which room has check-out’s, check-in’s etc.
  3. To give more details about the icons and colors, we have placed the indicator menu describing the meaning of each function/color on the screen.
  4. Room indicators are made similar to what we have in the stayview.

Here is the screenshot showing the changes that has been made in the room view.

If you have any suggestions/feedbacks/comments about this enhancement or our product, do reach out at “product@ezeetechnosys.com”.

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