It is now possible to send information regarding no-shows, cancellations, and stay changes to Expedia!!

We are excited to announce a significant enhancement to our channel manager and PMS, designed to streamline communication between hotels and Expedia. Effective immediately, sending important information regarding no-shows, cancellations, and stay changes directly to Expedia is now possible, ensuring accurate reservation management and avoiding unnecessary commissions. In the past, hotels had to navigate the … Read more It is now possible to send information regarding no-shows, cancellations, and stay changes to Expedia!!

Categories eZee Absolute, eZee Centrix, eZee Reservation Tags
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eZee Optimus Online Ordering

Restaurants face increasing competition in the food industry, and with the rise of online ordering platforms, they need to find ways to stay ahead of the competition. One way to do this is by focusing on direct online ordering. Direct online ordering is a method of ordering food online directly from a restaurant’s website or … Read more eZee Optimus Online Ordering

Categories eZee Optimus Tags
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Introducing the Payment links for the hold reservations!!

Hotels accept hold reservations in order to block the availability for a specific period of time. It gives a specific duration of time for the guest to make the payments while they are finalizing their stay/travel and confirming the reservation. With this improvement, we give our guests greater flexibility by letting them know how much … Read more Introducing the Payment links for the hold reservations!!

Categories eZee Absolute Tags
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