Auto Updating different room status is now available!!

We have a way to mark room as Dirty on night audit, room move and while unblocking the room. Our hotels use it to ensure the room status is set as “dirty” automatically on such instances by which they know how many rooms are to be cleaned. It was only possible to update status of … Read more Auto Updating different room status is now available!!

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Introducing the new “Exported Reports” module in the PMS

We offer several reports in our software for use by hotels. Depending on the type of report and the hotel’s requirements, the reports are exported as either PDFs or Excel sheets. The discrepancies that our users observed were that sometimes it took a long time to export the report for a variety of reasons, including … Read more Introducing the new “Exported Reports” module in the PMS

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Hotels can now perform night audit more efficiently…!!

A hotel receives reservations from different sources. One of the main source for the reservations are online channels where they received prepaid bookings as well. For this prepaid bookings, the payments are collected by the channels and they later pays the hotels. Since they are paid, the reservation in our system will have the cityledger … Read more Hotels can now perform night audit more efficiently…!!

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Confirming a failed reservation becomes even easier!

Sometimes a hotels receives failed reservations because guest didn’t makes the payment using the payment gateway within give time and we notify our hotels for such reservations in order for them to communicate with the guest and confirm it. To confirm this reservations in our system, it was taking more time when they have to … Read more Confirming a failed reservation becomes even easier!

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Hoteliers can now add a new booking quickly from the edit reservation.

A user is able to add a new room to an existing reservation and make it a group booking easily. This helps them in adding more rooms to an existing reservation when the need arised.  The function to add a new booking was available in our reservations lists which makes users go on the reservation … Read more Hoteliers can now add a new booking quickly from the edit reservation.

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Searching reservations becomes even easier in our reservation lists.

Hotels requires a reservation list for different operational use in order to know about the reservations coming or the guest arriving every day. We have provided various filterations for our users to search the reservations in the reservation list i.e. by reservation date, arrival date, room type etc. However, our users were having difficulty searching … Read more Searching reservations becomes even easier in our reservation lists.

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The Hotels can now activate the travel agents by configuring there rates and inventory mode.

Our Hoteliers can create the offline travel agents in our system and can even offer them the special rates using our system. We even offer the travel agents portal to the offline travel agents using which they can create the reservation from the available rooms. In order to publish the special and contracted rates for … Read more The Hotels can now activate the travel agents by configuring there rates and inventory mode.

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Now when reservations are made by travel agents through travel agent portals, billing instructions will be updated automatically.

We provide a Travel Agent portal to our hotels using which Agents can create reservations. The reservation is then visible to hotels in the PMS. If the reservations are created by Agents from the Agent portal, most of the time; it is Agents only that pays hotels the reservation amount. Earlier the hotels has to … Read more Now when reservations are made by travel agents through travel agent portals, billing instructions will be updated automatically.

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Blocking rooms becomes even easier!

Earlier our users were able to block multiple rooms that belongs to the same room type. This was making their work easier when they have to block rooms in bulk that belongs to the same room type.  At the same time, it was not possible for them to select rooms that belongs to different room … Read more Blocking rooms becomes even easier!

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Enhancing the derived rate plan.

Normally, our users were able to derive the rates from the Master rate plan which is helping them in deriving the prices. To make our user operations more efficient, we have enhanced our derived rate plans in such a way that they can now derive the other operations such as Minimum Nights, Maximum Nights, Stop … Read more Enhancing the derived rate plan.

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