Searching reservations becomes even easier in our reservation lists.

Hotels requires a reservation list for different operational use in order to know about the reservations coming or the guest arriving every day.

We have provided various filterations for our users to search the reservations in the reservation list i.e. by reservation date, arrival date, room type etc. However, our users were having difficulty searching the reservations that had come from companies or the travel agents. It was difficult to for them to have the filtered list of such reservations arriving in a month or a week or on a particular date.

With this enhancement, we gave ease to our hotel users by allowing them to search reservations by filtering it based on the Travel Agent or a company name. We also have added filtering the reservation list by Business source by which the users can now easily extract the reservations that are from a travel agent, a company or from a specific business source.

The filters are now added in the reservation list, arrival list, departure list and the in-house guest list as well.

Do reach out to us at “” if you have any feedback or suggestions about this enhancement or our products. 

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