In the distribution wizard screen, users can perform various supported ARI operations according to their needs. On that page, we’ve made some improvements to the UI/UX for the stop sell status indication.
In the current UI of the Stop Sell, with the button seeing some users confused as to whether the Stop Sell has been applied or removed. Refer the below screenshot of existing UI:
Screen Location: Go to New Extranet [RISE] -> Rates & Inventory -> Distribution Wizard ->Select rate plans and operation – “Stop-sell” and click the NEXT Button then select the date range and again click the NEXT Button.
Stop sell for Every Day(Old UI)

Stop sell for Weekday/Weekend(Old UI)

To make these indications more clear and easy to understand, we have replaced the toggle buttons with On/Off options in the screen for stop-sell operation. See the following screenshots for the changes.
Stop sell for Every Day(New UI)

Stop Sell For Weekday/Weekend(New UI)