Privilege Based Read-Only Edit Transaction / Edit Group

With industry demands, we are coming up with one more feature which just allows users to view booking but can’t do any modifications to the booking. So now properties can have good control over the user’s access to their property. 

With read only privileges, one can just see booking details, audit trails and print invoices. 

This feature is based on User Privileges.

If some users do not have the privilege to access the Edit transaction/group then for them it shows Edit Transaction/group screen in Read-Only mode.

Privilege is categorised in 3 States. 

  1. Revoke Read Only access of Edit/Group Transaction for Reservations State
  2. Revoke Read Only access of Edit/Group Transaction for Inhouse State
  3. Revoke Read Only access of Edit/Group Transaction for Post checkout State

By default for all users these 3 privileges are ON/Enable. It means, all users will have rights to edit transactions.

Explanations of Above 3 Privileges.

  1. Revoke Read Only access of Edit/Group Transaction for Reservations State

        If this privilege is OFF/Disabled, then the booking which is in Reservation state(Confirm, Unconfirm, Day-Use Reservation) will be shown in Read Only mode.

  1. Revoke Read Only access of Edit/Group Transaction for Inhouse State

If this privilege is OFF/Disabled, then the booking which is in Inhouse state(Arrival, Stayover, Due-out, or day-use) will be shown in Read-Only mode.

  1. Revoke Read Only access of Edit/Group Transaction for Post checkout State

If this privilege is OFF/Disabled, then the booking which is in checkout state will be shown in Read Only mode.

User Privilege Screen:

Stayinfo Popuop:

Edit Transaction:

Room  Charge:

Folio Details:

Edit Group:

Group Room charge:

Group Folio Details


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