Now Hoteliers can easily convert Single Room Booking into Group Booking..!!!

Until now we were having Add new booking functionality on Group reservation only, by which Hoteliers can add New Booking in existing group. 

What is new with this enhancement ?

Now, Hoteliers will be open to add New Booking/more rooms into single room Booking if any Guest asks for more than 1 room afterward confirming Reservation/Arrival or Checked in to property.

E.g. Any Guest has already booked for 1 Room now after coming to Hotel they request for 1 more Room so now using this “Add new booking” Hotelier can easily convert their 1 Room Booking to 2 or more Room Booking (Group Booking)

Our Users will find this “Add new booking”  under “Individual” Reservation, Arrivals & In House screens.

Here’s a quick look at this newly added option,

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