Improving Extra Charge Management for Group Reservations

Users have been facing challenges when they mistakenly post extra charges to group bookings. If the group is small, it’s convenient to void the charges by opening each folio of the group. However, for larger groups of more than 5 rooms, this process becomes time-consuming, especially when guests are checking in. It becomes even more complicated if users don’t have the privileges to edit the charges added on the guest folio, and as a result, they need to wait for someone’s help who has access to edit the charges on the folio.

To enhance user efficiency and reduce operational time, we have improved the management of group charges by introducing two new options:

  1. Edit Group Charge: Users can now edit extra charges for all group folios or individual folios with a single action.
  2. Void Group Charge: Users can now void extra charges that are mistakenly added in all group folios or individual folios with a single action.

Important Notes:

  1. Group Charges Identification:
    • Only charges added as a “Group charge” will be listed while using the edit/void group charge option. By this, we have ensured that only relevant charges are displayed for editing or voiding.
  2. Document Numbering:
    • Document numbers for group charges will follow a specific sequence, such as 101-1, 101-2, 101-3, etc. This sequential numbering helps in tracking and managing the charges effectively.
  3. Exclusions:
    • Inclusions: Charges added as inclusions, will not be displayed while using the edit/void group charge option.
    • Package Charges: Similar to inclusion charges, extras added under packages will not be visible for amendments using the Edit/Void group charges option.
  4. Charge amendments:
    • The selected charges will be edited or voided based on user inputs in the system. This flexibility allows for precise adjustments to be made according to the user’s needs.

This enhancement aims to make users more efficient and reduce the time required to manage group reservation charges. Below is a screenshot showing how the edit/void charge option will be visible for group bookings.

If you have any further comments or suggestions about this enhancement or our products, please feel free to reach out to us on “”. 

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