Hotels can now perform night audit more efficiently…!!

A hotel receives reservations from different sources. One of the main source for the reservations are online channels where they received prepaid bookings as well. For this prepaid bookings, the payments are collected by the channels and they later pays the hotels. Since they are paid, the reservation in our system will have the cityledger entry to settle the reservation. 

It is also a fact that reservations will get cancelled as well and in such case, room charges gets cancelled but at the same time, the cityledger entry still remains because of various reasons. One of reason is to collect the cancellation charges from the guests. This makes the reservation unsettled in our system as it will the balance in the negative numbers.

A user when performs the night audit, on the step 4; such unsettled reservations will appear and a user has to add cancellation charges or have to void the cityledger entry (in case no amount has to be collected for that reservation). To add the cancellation charges or to void the entry, was not possible in our system and the user has to close the night audit process from step 4, find out the reservations and then have to take necessary actions. This disturbs the flow of performing the night audit and was consuming more time of them.

With this enhancement, we now allow hotels to take necessary actions such as adding charges, voiding payments or any other thing which they would like to do. We have provided an edit reservation option for them to make their flow smooth. Once they perform the necessary actions, they will be redirected on night audit process directly. This way they will be able to perform audits efficiently.

Here is the video explaining the solution that we have derived.

If you have any suggestions/feedbacks about this enhancement or our product, do reach out to us on “”.

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