Till now, hoteliers weren’t able to schedule the stopsell on the basis of time, they could set the stop sell for a specific day, but it wasn’t possible for them to schedule it to make it active after some specific hours for that particular day. User has to activate the stop sell manually at that point in time when he needs to set the stop sell.
The new feature “Auto Stopsell ” enables the user to schedule the time-based stopsell. If the user wants to set the stopsell for some specific day of the week after a fixed number of hours then he can schedule it from this feature.
You can get the “Auto Stopsell” option from the side menu. See the screenshot below.
New Extranet [RISE] :

Once you click on the option, you will get the below screen, in which you can see the list of the days of the week with a respective stopsell status and hours. (See the screenshot below)

As you can see in the screenshot, you just have to specify the time for the respective day of the week and change the status. Once you save the setting the stop sell will be scheduled and will be automatically activated as per the scheduled time.
This will work according to the property’s time zone.
You can set the time in 24 hours format from the hours field.
For Ex. if you want to set the stopsell after 5:00 PM, so you have to select 17 in the hours field
Stop sell will be applied on all mapped rate plans of all connected OTA’s in the property.
Stop sell will be applied on a day-to-day basis according to the setting, it will not be continued for the next date.