eZee Absolute – Transaction Detail Report

We have introduced a new report in our system under “Back Office Report” named as “Transaction Detail Report”. 

This report will give you details of transactions such as Booking’s Folio Transactions, POS/Incidental Invoice’s Transactions, Expense Vouchers, etc. It will give data based on transaction/posting date. 

#Screenshot: 1

You can export a report column wise.

Report Columns:

Transaction Type: Type of transaction

Reservation: Reservation number of booking

Group Code: Group booking number

Reservation Date: Date of Reservation 

Folio: Folio number of booking

Invoice: Invoice number

Invoice date: Invoice Date

Arrival: Arrival date of booking

Dept : Departure date of booking

Room Type: Room Type name

Rate Type: Rate Type name

Room: Room Number

Owner Name: Room owner name

Is Paymaster: Is Room paymaster or not if paymaster then 1 else 0

Pax: Number of pax

Guest Name: Name of Guest

VIP Status: VIP status of Guest

Nationality: Nationality of Guest

Market Code: Booking market code

Travel Agent: Travel Agent name of a booking

Travel Agent Voucher: Travel Agent voucher number

Business Source: Business Source name of a booking

Company Name: Name of Company

Sales Person Name: Name of SalesPerson

Reservation Type: Reservation type like confirm,unconfirm etc

Booking Status: Current Status of booking 

Bill To Name: Bill To Name of a booking

RegNo: Tax Registration number of Bill To Contact

Transaction : Transaction type like b2b ,b2c

Transaction Date: Date of Transaction

Charge: Charge Name of a booking

Extra Charge Type: Type of extra charge like package or normal

HSN/SAC: HSN or SAC code of charge

Settlement/Particular: Name of Settlement or Particular 

Reference # : Reference number

Username: Name of user who created booking

Comment : comment

Qty: Number of quantity 

Actual Rate(Configured Rate):  Configured Room Rate

Slab Information: Tax slab information

Net Amount: Total net amount

Discount Name: Name of Discount

Discount % : Discount percentage

Discount Amount: Total amount of Discount

Taxable Amount: Taxable amount which is net amount – discount

Tax Name: Name of applied tax

Tax % : Tax percentage

Tax Amount: Tax amount

Adjustment(Room Charge/Extra Charges): Adjustment amount

Folio Status: Folio Status

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