Until now, we were displaying Unassigned Rooms Status on Stay View. But now, we are introducing a new feature to display Booking Inquiry on Stay View. In case of Booking Inquiry, ! icon will be displayed at room type and upon hovering over it, it will display all inquiries with relevant options.
Below are some use cases, just to have a better understanding on how it will work.
1) Consider a scenario with room type having an Booking Inquiry, Stay View will appear as shown in the below screenshot.

By hovering on the “!” icon, a pop up will appear as shown in the below screenshot.

When a user clicks on the confirm button, it will convert Booking Inquiry into Confirm Booking and then that booking will be displayed as unassigned Booking as shown in below the screenshot.

2) Consider a scenario room type having an booking inquiry as well as unassign room then stayview will appear like

If a user hovers on unassigned room, the user can see the Unassign Room pop up and if a user hovers on the Unconfirm Booking inquiry (!) icon, then the Booking Inquiry pop up will appear.