Go to Back Office -> Outlet -> Edit Outlet
In the edit, section go to other settings where you will find the contactless settings
This is the following settings for contactless Dine-In:
- Activate guest ordering mode: This is used to activate the ordering mode for contactless is if it is inactive then the user will only be able to view the menu but won’t be able to place the order.
- Order confirmation using the terminal: By activating this setting you will get notified when the user places an order using the contactless Dine-In. The notification will be received in eZee Optimus web new UI, Desktop application, Android Application, and iOS application.
- Order confirmation using rapid serve: By activating this setting you will get the notification in the rapid serve Android and iOS application.
- Ask guest mobile number: These settings will collect user mobile number before placing an order from the contactless Dine-In.
In contactless Dine-In you can generate two types of QR code:
- Menu QR Code
- Table QR Code
Menu QR Code
The menu QR code can be used when you want to display only the menu to your customer on their smartphone. It can be generated from the outlet section in the back office just by clicking the QR code icon.
Once the QR code is generated then you can print that QR Code and use it.
Table QR Code
The table QR code is used when customers can place orders directly from the table by scanning the table QR code. It can be generated by going to the table management section in that select the outlet and floor and there you will find the QR code generation icon from where you can generate QR code for all the respective tables and print them.
When all the required settings are done and QR code for the menu and table are generated then we all are set to use the contactless Dine-In
Contactless Dine-In
To use the contactless dine-in customer need to scan the QR code using their smartphone. Nowadays QR code scanner is in build in every smartphone camera so they can use that but in case it is not present then they can use and QR code scanner application from the app store.
On scanning, the QR code customer will get the URL which they can access using any browser.
On accessing the URL customer will be greeted with a welcome page.
When customers start the order then they will see the menu from where they can search and select the item.
On selecting the item customer can view the information regarding the items where they can set item quantity and added the item into the cart by selecting the course for that item.
When the customer has added all the items for their order then they can place the order from the cart.
From the cart, the user can also see whether the restaurant had accepted or rejected the order or it is still pending.
For all the accepted orders the customer can view the final bill amount by selecting all the accepted orders from the cart and clicking on the finalize bill button.
Optimus Application
- For contactless notification, if the ordering mode and order confirmation using the terminal is enabled then whenever the customer place order using the contactless then the Optimus application will display all the notifications for the incoming contactless order.
- The notification will be available for all platforms i.e web new UI, desktop, android, and iOS.
- From the notification you can do the following:
- View incoming orders.
- Accept the order.
- Reject the order.
- Block the device.
View Incoming Order
- After viewing the incoming order, the user can accept or reject the order and the same will be notified to the customer.
Block Device
- Let’s say if a customer got your QR code and using that the customer is placing spam order then to stop that you can block the device from which they won’t be able to place the order.
RapidServe Mobile App
- For contactless notification, if the ordering mode and order confirmation using the rapid serve is enabled then whenever the customer place order using the contactless then the rapid serve application will receive a notification if the waiter is assigned to that particular table.