City-ledger detail report now has the Users information!

Every hotels has various source of Business such as direct reservations, OTA’s etc. which are prepaid as well as the Pay at hotel. Some reservations are of such a kind where the hotels will receive the payment after check-out too (Incase of corporate bookings or from an OTA or offline Travel Agents). In such a … Read more City-ledger detail report now has the Users information!

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Now you can store Room wise Credit Card details in eZee Absolute

In eZee Absolute, we can store multiple Credit Card details for a reservation. For group reservations, it was difficult for our users to find out which card belongs to which guests, and as a result when charging a specific room; they have to figure out a lot about the reservation which they have to charge … Read more Now you can store Room wise Credit Card details in eZee Absolute

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Now we have Multi-Factor Authentication on Hotel’s login screen

In order to build a stronger security layer in our system, we have planned to protect our login page with the use of Multi-factor Authentication (MFA).  What is Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)? Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) is an authentication method that requires the user to provide two or more verification factors to gain access to a resource … Read more Now we have Multi-Factor Authentication on Hotel’s login screen

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Enhanced Dashboard with more insights

Dashboards are an important aspect of hotel management since it helps Hotel user with a clear view of the hotel’s day performance. Because eZee Absolute’s dashboard is also a functional dashboard, it makes it even easier for our users to access information by directing them to the appropriate screens. With this enhancement in our functional … Read more Enhanced Dashboard with more insights

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Enhanced “No-show for”

If a guest fails to arrive on the arrival date of the booking and has not canceled the reservation, in such a scenario the hotelier needs to mark the reservation as “no show”. Hoteliers can mark the reservation as “No Show” from the Absolute system and also from Channel Manager. Until now mark no show … Read more Enhanced “No-show for”

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Easier way to manage Hold Information

In order to facilitate Hotel User to Hold any Guest’s Booking in confirm or Unconfirm mode we have a facility to set a Hold Release Date & Time in order to set a timeline for that reservation and can set a Reminder for Guest as well.   To keep all the Hold info about your Booking … Read more Easier way to manage Hold Information

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Enhanced Compact mode & Assign Room Screen

Thanks to user feedback about the Compact mode & Assign Room Screens in order to make more smoother & effective Usage of it. 1) Display Rates and Inventory on Stayview compact mode. As Rate & Inventory are the major focused checkpoints for any front office & Reservation Users thus, now to give even more expanded … Read more Enhanced Compact mode & Assign Room Screen

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Adding Group Bookings became even easier..!!!

With the constant vision of making our User’s experience more efficient and seamless we have further introduced two amazing new options which will further help Hoteliers for adding group reservations. To elaborate this more as we have addressed below scenarios by adding these new options. What if a Hotelier wants to take a group reservation … Read more Adding Group Bookings became even easier..!!!

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Now we have a “User” in Folio entries..!!!

Towards the path of providing a more clear vision of information, such as every folio entries are made by which User so that it can be easier for Hotelier to know by whom such entries are made. E.g. Previously when someone has Apply Discount on booking then hoteliers have no way of knowing who applied … Read more Now we have a “User” in Folio entries..!!!

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Selling Room as Complimentary became easier..!!

What if after taking a reservation Hotelier decides to give a room as complimentary or any room at night as complimentary ? Till now, there was no way to sell a room as a Complimentary Room once reservation is processed. So if a Hotelier realizes after taking a reservation or decides to give room as … Read more Selling Room as Complimentary became easier..!!

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