Booking Engine Enhancement: Amenities with icons, special conditions, and highlighted text to be displayed

It’s anything but a decent norm to show clear and appealing data on the item which assists customers with deciding on the buy. We as a whole time search for room to further develop our item increasingly more consumable by the end client.

In this release, we have come up with one more facility to show on the Booking Engine Page for both the layouts ResUI and Multi-Hotel Booking Engine, which is Icons for Amenities. Until now there was a text related to amenities on the Booking Engine page. This certainly gives a better UI experience to the visitor to measure easily and quickly.

In order to avail, those amenities icons on the page need to apply some configuration at the C panel. The following are given for the setting choice alongside the screenshots for reference.

eZee Reservation -> Masters -> Amenities (Here hotelier can set icon for specific Amenity)

NOTE: These are system defined icons. Hoteliers can choose any icon from the list with respect to the Amenity, otherwise none if not found the appropriate or related icon. It’s not mandatory to set an icon for the same.

Those Icons will be shown on the booking engine side as displayed below.

Responsive UI Booking engine::

Multi-Hotel Booking engine::

We are altogether mindful and thinking about this pandemic time, we have considered showing content of the “Special Conditions” & “Special Highlighted Text” option on the booking page for Booker/Guest to give the unmistakable approach without a miss. So additionally we have showed this on the Billing Page as well as on the Booking Confirmation Voucher.

Responsive UI Booking Engine

Booking Confirmation Voucher

Multi Hotel Booking Engine

Booking Confirmation Voucher

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