Auto Updating different room status is now available!!

We have a way to mark room as Dirty on night audit, room move and while unblocking the room. Our hotels use it to ensure the room status is set as “dirty” automatically on such instances by which they know how many rooms are to be cleaned.

It was only possible to update status of the rooms as “dirty” and the hotels cannot mark rooms as “inspected”, “To be inspected” or any other status. Usually there are other status also in a hotel which they use to indicate rooms.  

With this enhancement, we bring a way to select which status (other then dirty) they want to auto update on night audit, room move and on unblocking of rooms. This will help them marking the status a hotel follows when cleaning the rooms.

This will help the housekeeping team as well in knowing which rooms are to be cleaned, This even helps them to know which rooms needs an inspection.

Here is the way showing how this can be configured from the configuration panel of PMS.

If you have any suggestions/feedbacks about this enhancement or our product, do reach out at “”.

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