Agoda promotions are now available on the common promotion screen, users can create promotions for Agoda along with Expedia, Go-MMT,, and Airbnb from our system itself.
Promotions can be created separately as well as in one go for Agoda, Expedia,, Airbnb, and GO-MMT.
Note: Agoda supports the following operation in their Promotion API.
- Create Promotion
- Edit Promotion
- Active/Deactive Promotion
- Sync Promotions (i.e Fetch the already created promotions from Agoda which are not available in CM)
Note: Sync feature is only supported by Agoda & Expedia
- Sync all promotions
- Sync promotions based on selected criteria.
For a better understanding of Agoda promotion please refer following screenshots:
eZee Rise -> Promotions.
Manage Promotion
You will be able to see the list of promotions according to their status (Active/Inactive/Expired) on this screen, and the “ADD NEW” button on this screen will allow you to create new promotions.
See the Screenshot of “Manage Promotion”:

When you click on the “ADD NEW” button to create a new promotion, the below screen will appear. You have to fill up the required fields and save the promotion.

Synchronization Promotion

Once you click on the Sync button displayed in the last SS, the below screen will appear from where the user can sync the promotions.

Promotion Progress Bar

Click on any promotion to update the status(Active/Inactive) of that promotion
Inactive Promotion

Active Promotion