City Ledger Mapping Feature Enhancement

Earlier, The City Ledger commissions and refunds were not settling completely. 

Now, we have added a feature to improve city ledger uses and  impacts in accounting software to maintain city ledger accounts. We have mapped the city ledger commissions and refunds to settle city ledger fully. 

Below is the screenshot of Old Cashiering Center before enhancement of City ledger Mapping feature.

Here is the screenshot of the New Cashiering Center after enhancement of City Ledger Mapping

Old UX of Map Payment screen :

New UX of Map Payment Screen : 

We have added 2 more options in Multi-Checkbox with dropdown for 1st component. Which is for City Ledger Commission mapping and City Ledger Refund mapping. By default, all checkboxes are checked.  Below is the screenshot.

The 2nd component is also introduced as dropdown and 4 options are added namely, Payment Posting Date, Booking Date, Arrival Date and Departure Date. 

After Mapping all the entries, the cashiering Center screen looks somewhat like this shown below 

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