Expedia promotions are now available on the common promotion screen, users can create promotions for Expedia along with Go-MMT, Booking.com, and Airbnb from our system itself.
Promotions can be created separately as well as in one go for Expedia, Booking.com, Airbnb and GO-MMT.
Note: Expedia supports the following operation in their Promotion API.
- Create Promotion
- Edit Promotion
- Active/Deactive Promotion
- Sync Promotions (i.e get promotion that is available in Expedia and not in CM)
Note: Sync feature is only supported by Expedia
- Sync all promotions
- Sync promotions based on selected criteria.
For a better understanding of Expedia promotion please refer following screenshots:
eZee Rise -> Promotions.
Manage Promotion

Synchronization Promotion

Once you click on the Sync button shown above, the below screen will appear.

Add / Edit Promotion

Promotion Progress Bar

Inactive Promotion

Active Promotion