Introducing New Fiscal Printer Interface namely “Datecs Fiscal”

We have now implemented one more  Fiscal Printer Interface – Datecs Fiscal.  

What is Detecs Fiscal?

A printer with security features for tax authorities to confirm the taxes collected by the retailer.

This Fiscal Supports below Fiscal operations:

  • Print Fiscal Invoice
  • Re-Print Fiscal Invoice
  • Void Fiscal Invoice
  • Non-Fiscal Print
  • Non-Fiscal Re-Print 
  • Void Non-Fiscal
  • Non-Fiscal Refund
  • City Ledger Payment
  • Void City Ledger Payment
  • Miscellaneous Sales
  • Miscellaneous Sales Credit Note
  • X and Z Reports
  • Cash Drawer

To enable this interface from the configuration, follow the steps as given below.

  1. Go to Settings->Others->Fiscal Interface
  2. Configure Common Fiscal Interface  and “Save” the details.

We have given Different Operations settings to use fiscal features. Also, We have given button to check the status of Fiscal service.

Remember !

Use below codes for payment mapping in short-code from Configuration->master-> General->Pay method. Below are the codes for pay-methods.

  • 01 – Cash Or City Ledger
  • 05 – Cheque
  • 09 – Bank
  • 11 – Debit or Other

Once you set up the Fiscal configuration, you are all set to use the Detecs interface. But, make sure you have already installed the service set up in your machine.

Fiscal Invoice Request:

The system will automatically send a Fiscal Print request to Detecs Fiscal upon checkout for all folios. If your print request fails on checkout, then you can resend it manually through the print invoice button.

For Group checkout, there will be one popup for fiscalising multiple folios of the group. A user can click on the “Fiscalised Invoice” button after checking folios from it.

Void Fiscal Print Request:

After checkout, a user can void a print request by performing the undo checkout. The system will also send a void print request upon void transaction operation after checkout.

You can check from audit trail logs that your fiscal request was sent successfully or not. Also, there will be information on request type in logs.

After checkout, a user can reprint an invoice by Clicking on the “Print Invoice” button.

Non-Fiscal Print Request:

The system will automatically send a Non-Fiscal Print request to Detecs Fiscal upon each and every payment before checkout. If your print request fails while taking payment, then you can resend it manually through the print Receipt option.

Non-Fiscal Void Request:

This request will send upon Void/Edit payment. If you are deleting(void) any folio before checkout then also this request will be sent to Detecs fiscal.

Re-Print Non-Fiscal Request:

Before checkout, a user can send a non-fiscal reprint request by Clicking on the “Print Receipt” button.

Non-Fiscal Refund Request:

The system will automatically send non-fiscal refund requests upon refund payment operations.

City-Ledger Payment Request:

While taking payment from the city ledger this request will automatically send to the fiscal printer from the cashiering center.

City-Ledger Payment Void Request:

A User can send Void City-Ledger request by deleting(Void) entry from cashiering Center

Miscellaneous Sales Request:

The System will send Miscellaneous Sales requests while saving and printing POS invoices.

Miscellaneous Sales Credit Note Request:

The System will send Miscellaneous Sales Credit note requests upon Void POS invoices.

X and Z Report:

X and Z reports will be used for sending report requests. You can find both reports from the Reports page.

Fiscal Cash Drawer:

This will be used for maintaining cash-In and Cash-out with Fiscal Printer. You will find a menu for this from Front Office->Cashiering-> Fiscal Cash drawer.

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