Customer Display System for eZee Optimus

Customer Display System (CDS) App

Home Screen

The Home Screen (welcome screen) is the main screen of the CDS App in which the welcome message and the slideshow of the welcome screen images will be displayed when there is no order opened in the Optimus App.

Otherwise, the order detail of the currently opened order in the Optimus App will be displayed along with the promotional image if configured.

And finally, the thank you message will be displayed when the current order is settled.

  1. Open order detail with Promotional Image
  1. Open order detail without Promotional Image
  1. Welcome screen when there’s no open order and welcome images are not configured
  1. Thank you screen when order is settled

Display Settings

The display settings module can be opened by tapping thrice anywhere on the Home Screen (not when an order is open).

In this page, the user can configure the following settings:

  1. Theme Settings: Users can set the following parameters individually or select any of the predefined themes.
    1. Background Color
    2. Text Color
    3. Secondary Color
  2. Welcome Images: Users can select up to 5 welcome images.
  3. Promotional Image: The image to show when an order is open.
  4. Port: which the CDS will use to listen to new connections. The Network IP of the device will also be visible besides port.
  5. Animation Time: For the slideshow of welcome images.
  6. Thank You Message: A message to show to the customer when the order is settled. A maximum of 200 characters is allowed.
  7. Show Discount: Option to show discount along with the order details when an order is opened.

Configuration and Connectivity in eZee Optimus

Virtual Device

Back Office > Settings > Virtual Device 

Add a new virtual device for customer display.

Terminal Configuration

Back Office > Settings > Terminal > Add/Edit

Add a Customer Display device in the terminal configuration with the connection details. You can get the connection details in the Settings of Customer Display app.

Only one Customer Display can be configured in a terminal.

Optimus App

Once the user is logged in to the Optimus App, if the selected terminal has any Customer Display device configured then the Optimus App will try to connect the Customer Display System (CDS) App.

If the CDS App is running and is already connected with another terminal, then Optimus App will show connection error otherwise, it’ll get connected.

When the Optimus App will lose connection to CDS App, the Optimus App will retry the connection 3 times and finally show a connection error icon in the header, from where the user can manually retry the connection. Refer to the image below for the same.

When the user logs out of the Optimus App, then the app also disconnects from the CDS App.


  1. Both the devices in which the Optimus App and the CDS App is running must be in the same network.
  2. The customer display will only work with the Optimus App.
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