New Privileges – To access Booking list and Opportunities

Any confidential information, whether of an individual or of any entity or an organization, is required to be kept secure and not be shared with any unauthorized person.

Justifying the above statement, in the eZee products;two modules are open to access for any user, Booking List and Opportunities. Understanding the importance of keeping them secure and attending to requests from our various clients, with this release we have introduced two more privileges to restrict unauthorized use of these modules: –  “ Access to Booking/Reservation List”  and “ Access to Opportunities “.

So from now, hoteliers can restrict access to these two modules and allow only trustworthy and desired team members to use them. And these 2 can be set from both our products, eZee Reservation and eZee Absolute.

Please refer to the below screenshot to know how to restrict and allow access of these modules for the selected user.

#1: eZee Reservation->user ->privilege-> Category Configuration.

#2: eZee Absolute-> user-> privilege-> Category Configuration.

Categories eZee Absolute, eZee Reservation Tags
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