In this outpaced period of advanced technology, a little piece of data invites a helpful instrument to produce more income for the Hotel businesses. To walk well ahead than your rivals it is basics to have the intelligent advanced tool to upgrade your business alongside a rule to offer improved good service of your Guests.
Taking advantage of our huge database and the collective information about a complete transaction of each stay at a hotel, we are now giving a platform to our Hoteliers to target their audience by checking the statistics data of Guest’ various factors information.
#1 Country : From where they are coming, for example, Canada, Malaysia, Australia, South Africa, Iran, etc. For reference please refer below screenshot.

This chat shows that, the hotel has 3 guests from Switzerland and India, 2 from Australia and 1 from Taiwan.
#2 Stay length :: Number of nights of stays. For example,for 1 night around 60% guest selected your hotel, for 6 nights around 50% guests selected your property,

#3 Source of Bookings :: From which platform they like to book the rooms. For example,, Expedia,, Make My Trip, etc.

#4 Repeated Guests :: How many times Guests choose your property for their stays.

For the reference as above chart, does show that 3 stays bookings booked are around more than 10%.
#5 Guests Profiles :: Guests shared which details in percentage ratio. This will help Hotelier to target them through contact details like, Email or Contact no, etc.

#6 Type of Bookings :: Hotel does have booking with different number of guests like single guest, couple guests, Family guests, etc.

Above chart displays that your hotel has 7 bookings of Single guests and so on.
#7 Guest Engagement :: This statistics represents how our system been engaged with the Guests through various mediums.

Shared information above for the various provisions, this will definitely support hotelier to decide the different opportunities to welcome more Guests at various stages.