As per the research, currently some OTAs (e.g., Make My Trip) support updating the Rates and Inventory for the past date. This allows Hoteliers to generate more revenue from last minute bookings. In order to make it workable as to push rates and inventory from our system, we have come up with the solution in the release. In this enhancement, our system will allow hoteliers to update Rates and Inventory till next 3 hours even if the date has been changed for the past date.
To convey my above statement, let me share one example,
If the working date is 21st February 2020 and it’s 2:00 AM of 21st February 2020. Now, in this situation if the hotel would like to update Rates/Inventory for the 20th February 2020 to offer better rate or profit for his business; it was not possible with the previous system design. So with the help of this enhancement, Hotelier can do the changes for Rate & Inventory for various sources for the Past date. This will allow Maximum 03:00 Hours of time frame to apply the changes even if the date has been changed.

NOTE: These change only in New Extranet -> Rates & Inventory (Normal and common pool) screen.