Making more usable and flexible Booking List module, we have enhanced our DATES filters for the search option which can give numerous types of booking lists to be rendered for ample purpose for the Hoteliers.
As for this module currently, we having 2 Date filters,
Create / Arrival / Departure / Cancelled Date option and another one is Stay Date.
Previously, these two dates filters working dependability on each other to generate Booking List, which sometimes led to a mix of unwanted data. So to overcome this situation and give a more convenient way for Hotelier to generate Booking List data EITHER only for status such as Create / Arrival / Departure / CancelledOR only for Staying guests, within selected date range.
To exploit this enhancement, we have put “Clear” button alongside both the Dates filters.
#Screenshot 1:

As you refer to the above screenshot, the data will generate on the basis of Created AND Stay dates filters on the eligible criteria within the selected range respectively. So here, Both the filters work as dependable options to each other.
#Screenshot 2:

Now coming to this above screenshot, the data will generate on the basis of Stay dates ONLY within the selected range. So here, Both the filters work as an individual option to each other.
As here, CLEAR option has been applied for created / Arrival / Departure / Cancelled date filter combo. So the result will contain only those bookings which fall in the Stay date wise period.