City-ledger detail report now has the Users information!

Every hotels has various source of Business such as direct reservations, OTA’s etc. which are prepaid as well as the Pay at hotel. Some reservations are of such a kind where the hotels will receive the payment after check-out too (Incase of corporate bookings or from an OTA or offline Travel Agents).

In such a case, a hotels enters a payment entry in the city-ledger created and check-out the guest. Later, when they receives the amount in their Bank; hotels tends to add it in our system again (In Cashiering Centre).

Our hotels were finding it difficult to know which user has added a city-ledger entry in the reservation just to check-out the guest and which user has confirmed that a hotel has received the payment (By adding it in Cashiering centre). There was no way to find this information and verify which users are confirming and settling such payments.

To overcome the challenge raised by our customer, we have added a USER column in our City-Ledger – Detail report. Having this information will bring clarity to our hotels on which users are adding the payments and which users are confirming the receipt after receiving it in the bank.

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