Now you can store Room wise Credit Card details in eZee Absolute

In eZee Absolute, we can store multiple Credit Card details for a reservation. For group reservations, it was difficult for our users to find out which card belongs to which guests, and as a result when charging a specific room; they have to figure out a lot about the reservation which they have to charge using the CC details.

Thus, To solve this problem, we have added a way by which our users can select the room numbers while entering the card details. Adding Room numbers will help them to know which room to be charged for which card details. We have enhanced a few screens as below.

Introduced the Room selection option at the time of storing Credit card details, now User will have a room which will have all assign rooms of that particular group. 

From Room Selection, Hotelier can select the room no. while storing credit card details and the room will display on the Credit card list as below.

From the Credit Card List, it will display the Room by which they can identify which credit card belongs to which room.

On Card Charge, we introduce the Credit card number field which is going to charge and also display the room.

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